Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 3,4 and 5

I have go through the first 5 days of the cleanse and have not felt anything of the symptoms i felt last year. I feel great, my energy level hasn't really changed and i even worked out today and don't feel physically weak. This is really proof to me that what you eat is the thing that will effect you the most. I have successfully changed the way i eat for an entire year and going through the cleanse again shows me that all the changes i did have been a success and help add the encouragement that i am finally on the right track. Only 16 days left. Although i miss MEAT!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 2

So the two biggest things that i have noticed so far is that i can eat everything without wanting to vomit, including the broth. Also i haven't had a headache or that sick feeling either. So i can say at this point the cleanse will go rather well this time around then it did last time. Day 2 also marks 2lbs down. I am hoping by the end to be at least 10lbs. I don't think i can achieve the 18lbs like last time but it is far to early to tell.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 - Cleanse Day 1

I have decided to start 2012 with doing the cleanse from last year. I am hoping that with all the changes that this cleanse has helped me accomplish over the last year in terms of my diet it should be a yearly thing for me.
I predict that I should have far less symptons this year like i had last year but i could be wrong. The very least it will help me cleanse my body from my vacation in mexico where diet can't always be followed. Wish me luck!