Monday, February 14, 2011

Day Twelve, Thirteen and Fourteen

I have officially completed the 2 weeks of the cleanse/detox. The last 3 days seem to go just as well, although i did eat out twice over the weekend but was able to make close food choices to the cleanse so i did not derail myself.

New challenges going forward:
1. Maintain proper food choices
2. Slowly incorporate protein
3. Stick to my new workout program (once i recieve it Feb 24th)

The thing i enjoyed most about the cleanse is how good i feel now. I feel clean and energized. My body is functioning at a new level and i am very aware of how food makes me feel and effects my mood. I am glad i committed to this. Plus i managed to lose 15lbs once it was all said and done.

Words of advice
For anyone who is thinking of doing a cleanse i recommend this one. If you do it, commit fully and have a partner to do it with. Plan ahead and be prepared to see some changes both mentally and physically.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day Eleven

Another day down!

Biggest thing with doing the cleanse is working out, due to the lack of protein your body takes so long to recover. It is a struggle, i worked out on Tuesday and i still hurt on Thursday, but i managed to work out on Thursday and now i am sure i will be broken until at least Sunday. I MISS PROTEIN! :(

Although i must say the prep is getting easier so i am not taking quite as long in the kitchen but i still manage to make a million dishes every time i do some.

On the whole i have no negative things to say about the cleanse. It teaches you to listen to your body and you can actually see what food does to you. Once you take the bad things out the body will take time to recover and heal but you feel like 100% better then you have in so long. At least that is how this process has been for me.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Ten

I must say i am very impressed at how fast this cleanse is going by. I am holding steady at 18lbs down, i am thinking that is as good as it is going to get but i am happy with the results.

I think my biggest positive to this process is my sleeping, i have been having the best sleeps this week. I consistantly sleep throughout the night and not constantly waking up. Also my energy level throughout the day is very high, especially after lunch, usually that is when i am the most fatigued in the day.

Negative side to this process is the amount of time i spend in the kitchen. I spend about 2+ hours every night in the kitchen doing prep, cooking and then clean up. You have to try to be motivated to stay in the kitchen that long every night after work, for me this is a challenge but i am going through it.

I am also noticing the effects that foods have on my body a lot more. I know that i don't like pears, not that i don't like the taste because i do, they make me feel bloated and gasy. So pears are out. Kind of sad because i do like pears but apparently they dont like me the same way. There are several foods that i thought i liked and now i dont like, cauliflower (gross!), cooked spinach to name a few. Things that i thought i didnt like but apparently i do, butternut squash, leek, yams and even peas (although i am still against frozen peas by themself but that is a long story in itself).

I only have four more days left to go and then i get to start slow incorporating things back into my diet, it will take some time before i will be back to a somewhat normal routine but i like that i will have a lot more food options once i am completed the cleanse.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day Nine

Everday i find i am feeling better and better, which is nice. Although i find fruit kind of hurts my tummy so that is something to think about, not sure what fruit specifically. I think it is not apples, as last week that was the only fruit that we had and now we can eat pears, plums, mangos, pineapple and banana. So far i have only had bananas and pears so i am thinking it is one of those.

Energy is increasing everyday, which also puts me in a positive mood. I have to say there are definitely some short term benefits to the cleanse but I am curious to see the long term benefits as well.

I did do some training today as well and my strength is definitely taking a hit right now due to the lack of protein intake, i felt like i had noodle arms.

Weight wise i am holding steady at the 18lbs down but there are four more days to go. I am thinking i do need to increase my water intake, feel very thirsty these days. Water, water, water. Very Important!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day Eight

I had the most energy today, even more then i have had in a long time. I even manage to do a work out and felt great afterwards. Feeling highly motivated for the rest of the week.

Dinner for the day was fantastic! Spinach and a twiced baked potato! So good. I even made some for Dave and he really enjoyed it. It may be easier to maintain this after the week is out if i can get Dave to enjoy the recipes.

Although I am up 3lbs from yesterday, i am considering that to probably be a normal thing as yesterday was more food then i have had in over a week in one day, plus the body weight changes a few pounds here and there regularly.

Today i am hitting the gym again! Excited for the increase in energy and how the body is feeling. Also glad that i had dairy yesterday and it didn't make me feel sick or anything. Maybe my allergy to dairy is going away?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day Five, Six and Seven

Day Five

Felt the best this day by far over the week. My energy was back to normal and headache is gone. Have everything planned for next week and a very detailed grocery list so i dont forget anything this time.

Day Six and Seven

These were the hardest days for me as i don't have a routine on the weekends and i am a big snacker on the weekends instead of eating full meals. It was hard to break and force myself to go and eat. So my routine got a little out of wack but i stayed the course.  Although i am having weird food cravings. I use the word weird becuase it doesn't seem like the typical things to crave. I usually crave things that are salty or sweet, now i am craving things like meat, coffee, bread and spices. I love my spice rack and i love adding spices to food and right now I can't even do that.  I am craving the foods you take for granted because we always eat them so we don't think of there significance once they are taken out of the equation.

I am going into Day Eight down 18lbs (wholly crap) and feeling good. Starting the 2nd week with new options and new foods this week. Get to incorporated spelt bread, goat yogurt and cheese and even an egg (only one for the whole week, kind of sad). I am hoping this will make me a little more excited about food again.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day Four

So i have survived another day. Some good things, i don't feel nausea for the most part, headache is minor but it is hard to say if it is staying due to the chinook weather or due to the detox. Down another 1lb today, so putting me at 13lbs total. I think i will start to see a slow down on the weight front but that is just a guess.

Had the best sleep ever last night until Dave woke me at 4am, i am was not happy at the wake up call. I think i was really snappy with him, woops! But i am feeling much more refreshed today then i have been so that is another positive sign that things are improving. YAYA!

Laid out next week schedule and planned out my grocery list. We get to put in a little protien, some grain products and some dairy (although not from a cow, that should be interesting). Looking forward to the new food i get to try and glad that the sick feeling is starting to go away. If one can survive the first 5 days i think it is smooth sailing from here on out! At least i hope.

Bad thing, the alkaline soup still taste horrible and makes me want to vomit a little. But it is a necessary evil.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Two and Day Three

Day Two

This was probably the worst day so far, the headache was crazy, i was voilently ill again and really tired. But strangely enough for how tired i was, i just could sleep. I am playing the mental game right now with myself, just keep saying it will all be worth it in the end! There is an emotional factor that should be mentioned, though i am probably over emotional to begin with this process is not helping the matter. It may just be a female thing as i am pretty sure Gino is not having the same symptoms, although we both agree that we want our coffee and meat back!

Day Three

I took this day as a mental day to help me process everything i have been through over the 2 days. You may be thinking but it has only been two days how can it be doing so much in just 2 days! You might be right and my answer would be, "i have no FREAKING IDEA!" I am not sure what my expectations were coming into this but i can say after completing 3 days, i need to make some major changes and i need to start planning for them now.

The beginning of Day four marks 12lbs down from starting point, headache seems to be almost gone, the nausea is still there but not as strong as before. Today we starting planning for week two of the detox and i must say i am excited as there are new food choices that i am eager to try!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day One

So day one is officially complete and i can say that it kicked my ass in a major way. Major side effects include headaches (oh yes, although i have had worse), fatigue (brain function was really low) and nausea (i was voilently ill from about 3:30 in the afternoon until about 8pm). Probably the worst feeling i have ever had in my entire life so far, although i have never been through labour so i am sure that is probably worse.

On the plus side i am already down 5lbs, i am thinking that is probably more to do with the vomitting then the actual food plan but what do i know. I am making the prediction that the first 3-5 days are going to be extremely challenging.

I can honest say that i believe we are what we eat, i think my body has been trying to tell me stuff for a long time about the stuff i eat. Now it is screaming at me becuase i have taking away all the things that i use to give it and it doesnt know how to react. Body I am listening now! I think the worse your food happens are when you enter the cleanse the worse the side effects will be. So this is me admitting out loud, MY EATING HABITS SUCK!