Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day One

So day one is officially complete and i can say that it kicked my ass in a major way. Major side effects include headaches (oh yes, although i have had worse), fatigue (brain function was really low) and nausea (i was voilently ill from about 3:30 in the afternoon until about 8pm). Probably the worst feeling i have ever had in my entire life so far, although i have never been through labour so i am sure that is probably worse.

On the plus side i am already down 5lbs, i am thinking that is probably more to do with the vomitting then the actual food plan but what do i know. I am making the prediction that the first 3-5 days are going to be extremely challenging.

I can honest say that i believe we are what we eat, i think my body has been trying to tell me stuff for a long time about the stuff i eat. Now it is screaming at me becuase i have taking away all the things that i use to give it and it doesnt know how to react. Body I am listening now! I think the worse your food happens are when you enter the cleanse the worse the side effects will be. So this is me admitting out loud, MY EATING HABITS SUCK!

1 comment:

  1. hang in there Lisa. I like your thoughts about what food you put in and it's side effects when you want to take the garbage out. It stinks and is clingy!!!

    Were rooting for you and Gino.

