Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Two and Day Three

Day Two

This was probably the worst day so far, the headache was crazy, i was voilently ill again and really tired. But strangely enough for how tired i was, i just could sleep. I am playing the mental game right now with myself, just keep saying it will all be worth it in the end! There is an emotional factor that should be mentioned, though i am probably over emotional to begin with this process is not helping the matter. It may just be a female thing as i am pretty sure Gino is not having the same symptoms, although we both agree that we want our coffee and meat back!

Day Three

I took this day as a mental day to help me process everything i have been through over the 2 days. You may be thinking but it has only been two days how can it be doing so much in just 2 days! You might be right and my answer would be, "i have no FREAKING IDEA!" I am not sure what my expectations were coming into this but i can say after completing 3 days, i need to make some major changes and i need to start planning for them now.

The beginning of Day four marks 12lbs down from starting point, headache seems to be almost gone, the nausea is still there but not as strong as before. Today we starting planning for week two of the detox and i must say i am excited as there are new food choices that i am eager to try!


  1. You've lost 12 pounds in three days? I want a copy of this detox. Email it to me paula0987 at hotmail dot ca... if you want.

  2. It is a book called "The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health". It would be wise to get the book because it lays everything out for you. There are recipes and it breaks down everything. It would be too hard to give you it through an email way too much information. I think the book is like $16 or $30 if you go hardcover.
